Why would someone who knows their dogs are vicious NOT keep their f*&^ing dogs locked up! I
HAD an sweet, playful, loving wiener dog. That's him in the picture above right after we first got him in July 2011. He was extremely good with my kids and everyone else that came around. One of my neighbors has 3 vicious dogs that were out today, and my neighbor that lives across the street came over around 7:30-8 o'clock tonight to tell me that those dogs had been playing tug'o war with my little Colby. My kids are gonna be devastated. Why weren't those dogs locked up? The neighbor from across the street then proceeded to inform me that one of their dogs (who just had puppies 4 weeks ago) has been missing for 2 days and the last time she was seen those same tug'o war dogs were out. Tomorrow my hubby is going to call the police to come out and have something done about the vicious dogs as well as try to find our precious Colby so we can give him a proper burial. So to all those people who own dogs that KNOW their dogs are vicious, please keep your dogs in a fence on your property so that other people don't have to worry that your dogs will kill their pets or kids.
R.I.P. Colby, we love you very much!
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